Thursday 28 April 2011

false impressions....

I've realised i've given a rather false impression of myself so far knitting-wise. I have had two posts in a row, both of the same project, both showing a fair amount of progress and within a very small space of time.
My knitting reality is somewhat different... if you are, like me, a member on Ravelry, you can find my project page here. for the rest of you, let me break it down for you what terrible consistency i have when it come to my favourite hobby. 
Quite a few of my abandoned projects were started just before my son started to walk, before then it was easy to knit for hours at a time while he sat and played and crawled, but once he got moving my amazing skills for churning out new projects weekly disappeared!

I planned to make a pair of christmas stockings for my cousin and his wife as their wedding present, they are soon to celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary! I have not done anymore to them since I missed the original date, i'm hoping to get it together so they can have them this christmas! before they give up on me and go buy some! It's so stupid that I haven't finished them yet, I spent a fair bit of money on them too, I normally just knit in cheap acrylic but these are pure wool. This picture shows the first half-knitted stocking ---> as you can see, i've done all the tricky fairisle, intarsia bits and cables, turned the heel and stopped. Easily distracted or what?

This is an unfinished teddy bear.It should look like this, but there was an error in the short rows on the head, and me being the anal person that I am, i re-knitted the head about four times all with the same mistake but refused to think outside of the box enough to correct it myslelf, and then gave up. I have been tempted to sew a pair of eyes on the stomach and be done with it, but it has hung around the house looking like this for two years now. Have you noticed sometimes that when something remains unfinished for a really long time you simply stop noticing it? The weird blob on the top of the body is actually a really cool feature, the main reason i chose the pattern to knit, the head is able to turn around, which makes the bear far more posable and therfore fun to play with! lots of knitted bears look very flat, i can't stand that!

Another major cause of my huge pile of unfinished projects is due to my being easily distracted! All it takes is a quick pattern search on ravelry, or looking at someone else's profile and their collection of knitted items and off I go on a knitting tangent, pulling needles out of old projects, foraging for yarn, breaking yarn balls off other projects....tut tut!

I'll share more forgotten projects later...

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